Benedict Cumberbatch Surprises Comic Book Shop by Appearing as Doctor Strange
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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It’s every comic book nerd’s dream come true.
Imagine: You spend your whole life worshiping comics. So it’s no surprise that on a Saturday afternoon you’re inside a local comic shop marveling at the heroes on the pages in front of you. Then, just out of happenstance, a real superhero walks in. That’s just what happened this weekend at JHU Comic Books and everyone blessed enough to be inside.
Benedict Cumberbatch, star of Marvel’s upcoming Doctor Strange, along with director Scott Derrickson, stepped in to the little Manhattan, New York shop on Sunday and promptly wowed everyone.
In security footage posted to YouTube, Cumberbatch is seen almost running in as a crowd follows him. He speaks with the store’s manager and together they take a photo, which was posted to JHU’s Facebook page.
So, the Doctor just came in for a quick visit. #drstrange #benedictcumberbatch
Posted by JHU Comic Books on Sunday, April 3, 2016
The two videos show the scene happening from different angles.
Cumberbatch posted his own photo to Instagram, comparing himself and his comic book character.
Derrickson also posted a pic to Twitter, writing, “That’s a wrap,” referring to the fact the movie has officially finished filming.
Cumberbatch and the rest of the cast were in New York to finish filming over the weekend and many images leaked online, including one where the actors humorously leap into the air. We’re sure it’ll look better when the visual effects are added in.
I look forward to seeing what this is supposed to be in the real Dr. Strange film.
— M.H. Williams (@AutomaticZen) April 3, 2016
Actor Mads Mikkelsen looks menacing as the central villain.
Check out other photos below and look out for Doctor Strange hitting theaters November 4.
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