‘Cones of Fame’ Turns Dreaded Dog Cones Into Works of Art to Help Dogs Find Forever Homes
By Margo Gothelf
2 min read
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Thanks to some creative thinking, the “Cone of Shame” for dogs has a completely different meaning.
Erin Einbender is a photographer from Chicago and wanted to help change the stigma with the dreaded “Cone of Shame.” While Einbender was finishing up her degree at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, she began volunteering at One Tail at a Time, an animal rescue center in Chicago.
During her time at the rescue center, Einbender was able to use her love of art to help several dogs find forever homes.
“I realized I could use photography and my knowledge of social media to help the dogs find forever homes,” Einbender told People. “I was brainstorming ideas for my final photography project and came up with the idea of ‘Cones of Fame.’”
Einbender focused her attention on the dogs who were trapped inside the bulky cones and decided to brighter up their moods while they had to wear them.
“The dogs looked so sad in their cones and the cones have been associated with shame,” Einbender told People. “I wanted the cones to represent something positive and had the idea of blinging them out.”
Einbender put her creative juices to work and was able to create amazing cones for the dogs. The brightness and colorfulness of the cones instantly got rid of the shame stigma. The dogs in the brand new cones were happy and excited to wear them.
The new and improved cones have also helped the dogs in a big way. All of the dogs that participated in Einbender’s project have been adopted and are now living in forever homes.
“I hope this project inspires people to spay/neuter their pet and reach out to their local rescues and shelters to help in some way, whether it’s volunteering, fostering, adopting or donating,” Einbender told People. There are so many dogs out there that need forever homes. Every dog deserves a chance.”
To find out more about the “Cones of Fame” and see how you can help bring the project to your local shelter, follow Erin Einbender on Instagram and Facebook.
(H/T People)
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