Your Heart Will Melt When You See a Scared Rescue Dog Reunited With Her Puppies
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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There’s nothing like a mother’s love and this video of a mom reuniting with her puppies at a shelter is all the proof you need.
The touching story of a mother dog reunited with her babies comes from the Marin Humane Society in California. The mom, Cora, was separated from her puppies when her owners said they could no longer care for her and so gave her to the Humane Society.
However, after careful inspection, the vets determined that Cora had recently given birth. When the Society contacted the owners about it, they refused to admit anything about the puppies. But after some convincing, the former owners finally agreed to give over the puppies, who were too young to be separated from their mother, the San Francisco Chronicle reports.
In the video, Cora appears frightened and reclusive without her puppies. She sits in the back corner of the kennel, reluctant to greet the workers. But when her puppies are introduced, her ears suddenly perk up and the look on her face is one of disbelief.
As each puppy is removed from the carrier, she comes over to investigate and immediately recognizes them as hers. Cora’s entire demeanor changes as she wags her tail and runs around excitedly. Even after all the puppies are removed from the carrier, she goes over to sniff it to make sure no one was left behind.
“They’ve re-bonded very quickly,” Lisa Bloch, director of marketing and communications at the Marin Humane Society told the San Francisco Chronicle. “Mom and babies are doing great.”
The Chronicle also reports that each of Cora’s pups were also named after Downton Abby characters. Edith is the only girl, while Branson, Carson, and Molesley are the boys.
The family will be placed in foster care and put up for adoption in a few weeks.
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