These 11 Tweets Exemplify That John Glenn Was a Hero to Americans of All Ideologies
By Brian Delpozo
2 min read
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Late Thursday afternoon, it was confirmed that former United States astronaut and Senator John Glenn had passed away at the age of 95.
Glenn, a World War II veteran, was one of the original “Mercury 7” astronauts in the U.S. Space program. He became a cultural icon in 1963 after becoming the first American to orbit the Earth. He later served as United States senator from Ohio, and returned to space for a much-publicized space shuttle mission in 1998.
Glenn’s death has provoked near instantaneous reaction on social media, with many expressing sadness at the passing of a true American hero. Here are 11 of the most incredible tributes on Twitter:
John Glenn was the first American to orbit Earth during the daring days when we were just beginning to venture beyond the atmosphere. RIP.
— NASA Earth (@NASAEarth) December 8, 2016
Aren’t many Heroes left: WWII & Korean War Fighter Pilot. Marine Colonel. NASA Astronaut. Senator. Married 73 yrs. John Glenn RIP 1921-2016
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) December 8, 2016
John Glenn was a true American hero, a great public servant and a great man who I was blessed to call my friend.
— Maria Shriver (@mariashriver) December 8, 2016
Saddened by the loss of my former astronaut colleague John Glenn. Was very honored to have known him. #Godspeed, John Glenn.
— Scott Kelly (@StationCDRKelly) December 8, 2016
John Glenn, one of the truly great explorers passed into the great unknown. May his spirit, whose restlessness expanded our horizons, RIP.
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) December 8, 2016
A great American, a life of service, an inspiration to us all. Goodbye, John Glenn. Godspeed.
— Chris Hadfield (@Cmdr_Hadfield) December 8, 2016
God’s speed, John Glenn. Your legacy is eternal. RIP #johnglenn
— jason alexander (@IJasonAlexander) December 8, 2016
Over and out John Glenn. Thanks for your dignity and bravery and for opening the universe to all of us. The heavens are now yours.
— Lewis Black (@TheLewisBlack) December 8, 2016
God speed, John Glenn. Hanx.
— Tom Hanks (@tomhanks) December 8, 2016
Today we lost a great pioneer of air and space in John Glenn. He was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. He will be missed.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 8, 2016
Space exploration brings out our best. John Glenn served his country in space, in Congress, and inspired a generation. Onward, John Glenn.
— Bill Nye (@BillNye) December 8, 2016
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