This 8-Year-Old Did Something Awesome for His Local Mailman
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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An 8-year-old boy by the name of Carmine McDaniel recently proved that you don’t have to do much in order to make a difference.
As summer reaches its peak, temperatures around the country are soaring, and Newport News, Virginia, is no exception. Temperatures climbed to the hundreds, making it super awful for those who have to work outside, but McDaniel knew he could help.
With some help from his mother, Terra, McDaniel left a cooler full of ice, Gatorade, and water on his front porch, according to ABC13 News. He also left a note, reading, “Mailman: Water & Gatorade in cooler. Have a good day.”
His mother recorded the moment when the mailman approached the house and saw the cooler with the note. She posted the security footage to Instagram where she writes, “Today was super hot so we left Gatorade and Water for the mail carrier, his appreciation was so sweet.”
Her video went viral and McDaniel was praised for his generous deed.
He told ABC13, “I just thought because it was really hot outside and I didn’t want him to maybe pass out or anything, because they are really important so people can pay their bills and stuff like that and I didn’t want him to pass out pretty much.”
A small good deed can go a long way. Good on you, McDaniel!
(H/T A Plus)
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