8th Grader Shares Heartbreaking Post After Both Parents Killed in Plane Crash
A young girl’s moving Facebook post about her deceased parents has gone viral this week.
Last week, three couples, including Sarah Perry’s parents, were killed in a horrific plane crash in Alabama while on their way home to Oxford, Mississippi from vacation. Just days after the accident, the 8th grader posted a heart wrenching status to Facebook, along with a family photo collage.
Read her full post below:
“Ok, so I wanted to start by thanking everyone for the hugs, kind paragraphs (and yes I read every single text/ snapchat/ DM/ Facebook message even if I didn’t respond) and support…
Every single hug and message filled my broken heart. The truth is, yes, I am heartbroken, sad, tired, and devastated, but I have to keep my faith. It has to grow stronger and stronger. This wild journey brought me closer to my family and grew my relationship with God! And this is just the beginning.
I also wanted to thank every single teacher, parent, and other supporters for EVERYTHING! Y’all are the best and have kept my whole family strong!
I’m not gonna lie, yeah it hurts to never have someone to call “mom” or “dad” again. And I don’t know why tragic, horrible things like this happen. But what I do know is that I have aunts, uncles, cousins and grandmothers who will be with me on this journey.
I also know I will stay strong for my brother and sister! I will help them with anything they need. I will be my sister’s Santa Claus and I will be there for my sister when she gets older! I will help my brother with his homework and with any problems he ever has! and I will also help my grandmother who will be raising me for the rest of my life.
It will be hard and there will be obstacles along the way, but if we all stay strong and stick together we can get through this because I know this is what my parents would want!
I know for a fact I will never physically see my parents again on earth, but they will never, ever leave my heart. They will still guide me through life and help me with my problems. I know I will see them in heaven, so this is not the end! I know they supported and cared for me so much! I know they loved me and would do anything for me!
The main thing I ask is for y’all to share any memories with me if you have any of my parents! don’t hesitate to ask me questions because we can get through this together! I promise! So Imma go out there and be my best and I will get through this:) Thank y’all for everything! #staystrong #oxfordstrong”
The young girl’s strength, positivity, and vow to care for her two younger siblings in the face of what is undoubtedly the hardest time she’s ever had in her life seems to have struck a chord with many. Her Facebook post has accumulated over 3,000 shares as of press time, with hundreds of comments from those lauding Perry’s strength and vowing to support her in any way possible.