Adorable Little Girl Is Not Impressed to Find Out She is Having a Baby Brother
By Margo Gothelf
2 min read
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For the most part, giving a little kid a cupcake keeps them super happy. However, this little girl was not impressed when she bit into her dessert and found out what was inside.
When Shaun and Heidi Guerard were expecting a third child, they had a small gender reveal party with their two daughters by filling cupcakes to reveal the gender. If the filling was pink it would be a girl and if it was blue it would be a boy.
The girls, two and six at the time, bit into their sweet treats and discovered blue filling. The older daughter, Giuliana, was happy to find out she was going to have a little baby brother. However, her younger sister, Grace, wasn’t so thrilled about the outcome. After one bite, the little girl started to have an epic breakdown full of tears.
“Oh no! I wanted pink… I wanted pink!” Grace said in between tears.
The video, which was uploaded last April, recently resurfaced and has since gone viral with over 491,000 views on YouTube.
“This wasn’t really planned… We found out we were having a boy that day at work and stopped at the cupcake shop on the way home, asking them to fill two cupcakes with blue as a fun way to tell the girls,” Guerard shared with Today. “We had a feeling Grace would have a funny reaction, because she had been saying for months she wanted the baby to be a sister… She was also partial to pink. We had no idea she would get so upset though!”
A year later, all is good in the Guerard house. Grace is now a big fan of her now 6-month-old brother, Grant.
A photo posted by Heidi Hope Guerard (@heidi_hope) on
“(The girls) are so sweet with him and love having a baby in the house,” Guerard told Today. “Grace smothers him with hugs and kisses.”
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