Let Animals Be the Ones in Love This Valentine’s Day
By YDD Contributor
2 min read
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We don’t care if you are taken, single or it’s complicated because us humans can’t have all the glory each Valentine’s Day — it’s the animals’ turn!
Animals love each other, perhaps even more than humans do. There are are cats out there cuddling, monkeys out there mingling, ferrets out there frenching and lizards out there…well, licking.
So, without further ado, let’s give the spotlight to these animals that are totally in love with each other. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Puppy lovin’.
“Get down!”
What a momma’s boy.
Is this what making love like bunnies looks like?
They’re just a little shy, doe.
Too much tongue.
Now that’s a power couple.
Penguin style.
They’re taking it slow.
“You got a little something on your lips…”
I love you, dude!
And they never forgot their first kiss.
“You otter hold my hand.”
We humans embrace like that too.
Different cats, same love.
Two-man wolf pack.
Kittens who cuddle, sleep and yawn together, stay together!
Such adorable panda-monium.
“Be my valentine!?”
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