Does It Get Any Better Than Baby Goats in Pajamas
Does It Get Any Better Than Baby Goats in Pajamas?
We giggle when visiting Sunflower Farm, but on this special day we had the unique experience of seeing these unique Baby Goats in Pajamas! I know it does not sound believable, but take a look at the below video for a few minutes of pure silliness. What we find so interesting about the goats at Sunflower Farm is that all the goats have names. However we found that the most interesting thing about these special Nigerian Dwarf Goats is that they all have distinct personalities, traits and even calls. You can tell from the kitchen, they each have preferences for their favorite treats, and places they most love to be scratched.
Thanks to our friends at Sunflower Farm Creamery in Cumberland, Maine. A farm that specializes in Nigerian Dwarf Goats and the delicious goat cheese, fudge and caramel that you can find here.