Browser the Library Cat Will Keep His Job
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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The lovable cat Browser, who works at the White Settlement Public Library (still a horrible name) in Texas, was facing eviction and unemployment until recently.
Back in June, the city council had voted to remove Browser from the library for reasons still unknown, thus effectively causing public backlash from all corners of the world. On Friday, however, the council voted again and unanimously decided to keep him.
Ron White, the mayor of White Settlement, told ABC News that he received over 1,500 emails from all 50 states, Australia, Canada, Iceland, France, Germany, England, Guam, Malaysia, and Singapore, all showing support for Browser.
ABC reports that while the main argument for removing him was due to an inconvenience for people with cat allergies, White maintained that an air purifier removes “over 99 percent of allergens from the air.”
The councilmen who led the initiative to remove Browser was Elzie Clements, but after all the backlash, Clements was the first to suggest he stay.
“I don’t think they understood what they had done to begin with and how it would affect everybody,” White told ABC News.
Browser is essential to the library. He helps children read and keeps the library’s rodent problem in check, according to library workers.
The city of White Settlement was also behind Browser staying as they had a petition with over 1,000 signatures in favor of keeping him. White said he was glad this whole issue was behind them and said it was “a waste of time and money.”
“It was ridiculous to do that and they did it without thinking ahead,” he said. “It was absolutely wrong to begin with.”
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