Canadian Island Welcoming Donald Trump Refugees
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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Where will you go if Donald Trump becomes president?
That’s a common question being asked among Americans, mostly millennials, these days. Heck, even celebrities revealed where they would move if Trump was elected.
However, it is uncertain whether other countries would be would be open to thousands of Trump refugees, that is, until now.
The Canadian island of Cape Breton released a tourism campaign targeting Americans looking to flee if the unthinkable happens.
The welcome page reads, “Hi Americans! Donald Trump may become the President of your country! If that happens, and you decide to get the hell out of there, might I suggest moving to Cape Breton Island!”
It might sound satirical, but it’s actually not. Both parties (Cape Breton and Americans) speak the truth about their proposals. When Bush was re-elected in 2004, the CBC reported that their immigration website received six times more visitors and about 1,000 more people permanently crossed the border that year.
Cape Breton, an island about the size of Hawaii’s Big Island, is going through a population problem. They are currently losing around 1,000 people each year, which is expected to continue for the next 20 years.
The website was created by Rob Calabrese, a local radio host. Calabrese told Grist, that the island is one of the most beautiful places on Earth, but the economic decline is a “catastrophe.” However, the website was such a hit, that the local tourism board put a team together to take inquiries from emigres.
Calabrese told Grist, “We know from previous elections that no matter what, there’s a group of people who say, ‘If so-and-so wins I’m moving to Canada.’ We hope to get those people.”
Finally adding, “Trump is scary.”
Even if Trump doesn’t win, seems like a great vacation spot, nonetheless.
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