Casey Anthony’s Attorney Admits Casey Anthony Killed Own Daughter
By Lauren Boudreau
1 min read
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In new documents released for public record last month, a private investigator hired by Casey Anthony’s defense attorney Jose Baez, claims Baez admitted that Anthony killed her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, and buried her body.
The documents went public as part of Anthony’s bankruptcy case in Tampa, Florida, according to ABC Action News.
The investigator, Dominic Casey, was reportedly hired by Baez just after Anthony’s police arrest in order to find Caylee’s body “before anyone else did.”
The document reads:
“Saturday, July 26, 2008, Baez had told me that Casey had murdered Caylee and dumped the body somewhere and, he needed all the help he could get to find the body before anyone else did.”
The body was actually found by a meter reader, Roy Kronk, in the woods near Caylee’s grandparent’s house. The document also says that Anthony suggested, prior to the body being discovered, framing the whole thing on Kronk by suggesting he kidnapped her.
The investigator said he quit the case in October of 2008, according to Fox News.
Anthony was acquitted for the murder of her daughter by a Florida jury in 2011.
ABC released photos of the documents, which you can view below.
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