Meet Romeo and Juliet, the ‘Star-Crossed Babies’ Born Just Hours Apart
By Margo Gothelf
2 min read
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Talk about a lovely coincidence!
Two newborn babies in Hardeeville, South Carolina could be the youngest star-crossed lovers of all time. The two babies, named Romeo and Juliet, were born hours apart from each other in the same hospital.
The parents of the newborns found out about the literary coincidence from Coastal Carolina Hospital’s resident photographer, Cassie Clayshulte.
“It was just a coincidence. They were both actually scheduled to be induced on March 26, but they both came early which is so neat,” Clayshulte said to CBS News. “It just shows even more that it’s fate — they just happened to be in the room next to each other.”
She continued, “Both parents had picked the names out early on in their pregnancies, and neither couple knew each other until they met that day.”
Clayshulte was talking to Romeo’s parents about doing a photo shoot when she realized the correlation between the names. She then went to double check Juliet’s name and came up with the brilliant idea to photograph the babies together.
“We’ve already made jokes they need an arranged marriage,” Clayshulte said to CBS News. “I had told them that if they want to book me now as their wedding photographer they could do that. They both cried. They just loved them.”
Clayshulte shared the photos and the sweet story on Facebook where the adorable tale quickly took off. Many users were quick to comment on how endearing the story truly is.
“The angels above had something to do with their names. They are beautiful babies,” one user wrote.
“How cute. Maybe later on in life they will meet up with each other. That will be a great story,” wrote another user.
Clayshulte was happy to share the photos since the story is very positive.
“I love that the internet’s reaction has been overwhelmingly positive,” Cassie Clayshulte wrote to Your Daily Dish. “It seems like we need more of that in this world. I am so excited that these parents get to share their excitement with the whole world.”
Clayshulte loved the story so much that she wants to reunite the babies in the future for another photo shoot.
“It’s just so neat, I might try to plan a shoot for these babies together again,” she told CBS News.
Check out more photos from the star-crossed babies below and see more of Clayshulte’s work on her website and Facebook and Instagram pages.
(H/T Mashable)
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