Cat Fired From Its Job at Local Library
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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We’ve heard of institutions hiring cats, but this is the first time we’ve heard of one being fired. The poor cat’s name is Browser and he’s been an “employee” at the The White Settlement Public Library (unfortunate name, we know) in Fort Worth, Texas, for six years, according to ABC News.
He was “fired” when the city council voted to remove any and all animals from city facilities, presumably because they have no hearts (the city council, that is).
The library originally adopted Browser from an animal shelter for the purpose of helping their rodent problem, but he has since become the library’s mascot and even helps kids read.
Ron White, the mayor of White Settlement, told ABC, “Little children will come into the library and they’ll read to Browser.” He also said that he is disappointed to see the cat go, as he had a positive effect on the library.
Author Lisa Rogak also told ABC that a cat makes a library a more welcoming place.
“Anything that encourages people to visit a library, whether the Internet, an out-of-print book — or a cat — is to be encouraged,” she said.
This news also means the rodent problem will likely increase, which means the library will probably need to get an exterminator. According to White, this could leave many books handled by children “covered in chemicals.”
Browser has 30 days to find a new home, however, White is going to appeal to the council at the next meeting. He already has a petition with over 800 signatures trying to keep the cat.
We’re rooting for you, Browser!
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