Cat Hates When Owner Sings Despite the Woman’s Beautiful Voice
By Lauren Boudreau
1 min read
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Everybody has their pet peeves. Some people don’t like it when others crack their knuckles. Others can’t stand obnoxious chewing. And this cat? Apparently, it can’t stand singing.
Sunny is the cat’s name and she just hates it when her lovely owner bursts into song. It’s really quite a mystery considering the woman’s voice is spot on.
In the video, the woman, Marianne Kane, starts singing “Thank You for the Music” by ABBA! Her other animals don’t seem to mind at all, but Sunny is unimpressed. She immediately starts jumping on Kane, as if begging her to stop, but Kane keeps on singing.
At the end of the video, Kane even gives out a cackle, as if she knows the song annoys her cat.
According to The Little Things, Kane adopted Sunny from Saudi Arabia after she was abandoned by her mother. However, that doesn’t seem to mean she’ll tolerate any unwarranted singing. Perhaps she just needs some music for cats? We may never know.
Watch the video below:
(H/T The Little Things)
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