These Adorable Cat Siblings Were Reunited Thanks to Tinder
By Brian Delpozo
2 min read
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Like many couples this millennium, California natives Brian Herrera and Cathleen Cavin found each other through online dating (specially in their case, the app known as Tinder). However, their respective right swipes didn’t just bring them together — they also unbelievably reunited a pair of separated sibling cats and allowed Cavin to keep a promise to her daughter.
Cavin and Herrera had their first Tinder date in April 2015, and hit it off almost immediately. In fact, they were having such a good time, they headed back to Herrera’s house. However, things took a surreal turn when Cavin saw Herrera’s cat Butter.
“I start looking at the cat, and I’m like, ‘That’s my cat. You have my cat, and he’s like, ‘No, that’s my cat.’ So he thought I was some crazy cat lady, and I said, ‘No, I promise you. Come over to my house,'” she explained to Petaluma 360.
The next day, Herrera visited Cavin’s home. Sure enough, her cat Ozzie looked exactly like Butter. Cavin immediately remembered that when she had adopted Ozzie, the cat had a brother that he was separated from. This devastated Cavin’s daughter Cali.
She told Petaluma 360, “Every time Cali would see the kitten upset, she would tell me it was because he was missing his brother. I made a really stupid promise. I told my daughter I would look for the cat and try to find his brother. I kept saying, ‘I’m going to find him.’ ”
When the couple compared their respective adoption paperwork, Cathleen Cavin was proven correct: Ozzie and Butter were in fact brothers.
Cavin and Herrera have been dating steadily since 2015, and they are planning to move in together March 1. In preparation, they finally reunited Butter and Ozzie in the same room. According to Cavin, the meeting was as adorable as expected.
“We’ve been saying for the past eight months that we’re going to introduce them. It was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen, honestly.”
The story of the reunited siblings has gone viral, with numerous news sources picking up on it. Cathleen Cavin spoke exclusively to Your Daily Dish about all the attention it’s received.
“We truly had no idea it was going to viral! The only reason I told the story to the animal shelter was because I wanted to see if they had a picture of the brothers together as kittens. From there, it just exploded! We think its super sweet that so many people want to hear our story and we are happy to give others a bit of hope and faith!!”
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