Chris Hemsworth’s Awesome Reaction When Daughter Demands Penis
By Nick Nunez
2 min read
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When you’re a parent, you naturally want to give your kids the whole world. When you’re Chris Hemsworth, Hollywood movie star and overall hunk, you’re better positioned to give your kids what they want than most. But sometimes even superheroes don’t know how to deliver.
Hemsworth stopped by the Ellen DeGeneres Show on Monday to promote his new film The Huntsman: Winter’s War and got onto the subject of his young family. When DeGeneres asked if his four-year-old daughter, India, got along with his two-year-old twin boys, Hemsworth recalled an interesting request she once made:
“Siblings kind of have their moments,” Hemsworth said. “My daughter is kind of envious of my boys at the moment. She came to me the other day, and she was like, ‘You know, papa, I want one of those things that Sasha and Tristan have.’ I’m like, ‘What do you mean?’ She was like, ‘You know, the things in between the legs you have.”
Watch the full exchange:
That’s right, Thor’s daughter wants a hammer of her own.
Hemsworth did his best to handle the situation as he saw fit, calmly explaining, “Well, you see, girls have breasts,” admitting to Degeneres that his brain was pretty caught off guard by this exchange. India, on the other hand, knew what she wanted and demanded it with Asgardian might. According to Hemsworth, the adorable little girl demanded outright, “I want a penis!”
Hemsworth drew cheers from the crowd when he said that he handled the situation by looking at his daughter and saying, “You could be whatever you want to be.” India responded with a simple, “Thanks dad” before running off.
The actor’s loving and charming response makes him one of the few members of the Marvel Cinematic Universe whose statements about women or gender identity haven’t drawn public ire. Hemsworth’s Avengers co-stars Jeremy Renner and Chris Evans were involved in a messy PR disaster last year after calling the character Black Widow (played by Scarlett Johansson) a “slut” during a press interview for Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. It’s nice to see that our superheroes are growing.
The Huntsman: Winter’s War comes out in theaters April 22, 1016. As for the GIF of Christ Hemsworth screaming, “I WANT A PENIS!” at the camera, well, I leave that to you, internet.
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