Dad Recreates Daughter’s Selfies in Hilarious Prank
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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One girl’s selfies have recently gone viral, but not for the reason you might think. They went viral because of her dad, specifically, her dad’s selfies.
Chris ‘Burr’ Martin of Spokane, Washington, noticed his daughter Cassie had been posting “sexy” selfies of herself online. So, instead of telling her to stop, he decided to recreate them in a hilarious spoof.
Martin goes so far as to draw Cassie’s tattoos on himself using permanent marker and even dons crop tops and eye makeup. He also recreates any props she uses, such as the crown of leaves seen below.
The pictures have gone viral, receiving thousands of comments on each, and Martin has amassed over 15,000 followers on Instagram.
In one picture he jokes that the marker took him three days to get off.
Martin told Us that the reactions have been pretty funny, although some have accused him of being mean.
“A few have called me a jerk, but I don’t think they get it. We’ve kind of always made fun of each other in our family,” he said.
Cassie said it’s all been a good laugh.
“My dad is a huge comedian in the family so when he did the pictures it was a huge laugh,” she said. “The funniest reaction I get is from people my age hoping their parents don’t know how to work the internet so they can’t jump [on] the trend my dad has started.”
Cassie is not the only one in the family who Martin’s mocked. He recently posted a picture to celebrate his son’s birthday.
We’d say that’s pretty spot on.
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