This Nonprofit Helped a Man Go From Homeless to Employed
By Brian Delpozo
3 min read
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One year ago, David Simons was in a bad way. The English man was living on the streets, seemingly going nowhere in life, when he stopped in the ShareShop in Chester for a donated cup of coffee and a sandwich. However, he got much more than he bargained for, as told in a viral Facebook post.
The post, which went out on the SHARE (Support Homeless Assist Refugees Everywhere) organization’s Facebook page on February 11, was accompanied by before and after photos of David Simons:
12 months ago David came to Share’s ShareShop here in Chester and claimed a suspended coffee, bought for him by a complete stranger, and a sandwich donated by Tesco’s on Frodsham St, David was homeless and really struggling with life on the streets. Since that day SHARE volunteers and the fantastic team at Chester Aid To The Homeless (CATH) have helped David turn his life around. Yesterday David went for a job interview, we helped him with his CV and got him suited and booted and took him for the interview, he came in today to tell us that he has been successful and starts work on Tuesday!
According to SHARE, it was David Simons who asked the group to share his story with the world.
“David has asked us to post his story today, to show others still on the streets or suffering from addictions, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel if you engage with local services, and also to encourage the public to keep donating to local homeless charities such as Share and CATH so we can help many more people to get off the streets, kick their addictions and get a job and a bright new future in front of them.”
The post ends with a call for support from SHARE.
“If you would like to support Share who support the homeless and refugees you can simply text KIND23 £5 to 70070 or you can come in to the ShareShop on Northgate St and suspend a voucher for a coffee on our blackboard, and write a message of support to whoever claims it on the coffee cup sleeve. If you see someone sleeping rough in Cheshire West you can call the rough sleeper Hotline operated by Cheshire West & Chester Council and FENW on: 0300 156 224 and they will go to try to get them to come inside. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST and like our fb page, thank you.”
David Simons’ story has quickly gone viral, acquiring over 13,000 reactions, 1,000 comments, and over 3,400 shares as of February 13. In addition, numerous major press outlets have picked up the story. It’s unsurprising that the the story has gained national attention, given that it comes at a time when the issue of increasing homelessness in the U.K. is a major issue.
According to The Guardian,”The government’s most recent figures from autumn 2015, estimate that there are 3,569 rough sleepers on any one night in England — more than double the number in autumn 2010, when it was 1,768. And this year’s count, which has only just finished, is likely to be higher again.”
Your Daily Dish has reached out to SHARE regarding the David Simons’ story.
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