Day Before 9/11 Anniversary, A Rainbow Emerges From The World Trade Center
A rainy Thursday in New York City turned into a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity when the clouds parted ways long enough to cast a rainbow from the location of the new World Trade Center tower, just one day before the 14th anniversary of the 2001 Sept. 11 attacks.
Twitter user Ben Sturner posted the below tweet to his feed Thursday afternoon.
Sturner’s chance location provided him an amazing opportunity to take the stunning photos of a rainbow extending from the new World Trade Center building over the city’s skyline. The new tower, one of the tallest in the world, opened for the first time to the public at the end of May.
As a sign of strength and rebuilding, seeing the images will surely be an emotional one for many New Yorkers who were touched by the tragic events of that day.
Others were able to grab similar images of the rainbow and post them to social media, but Sturner’s stands out as truly unique.