Disney Princesses Show Up at Girl’s Adoption Hearing and Her Reaction Is Priceless
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When 5-year-old Danielle Koning attended her adoption hearing, she got more than just the fairy tale happy ending. In addition to a family, she also got the opportunity to hang out with her favorite Disney princesses.
Koning has been with her foster parents Sarah and Jim Koning since March of 2014 and were finally making the family official. Koning’s case worker Kristina Grey knew about Koning’s affinity for Disney princesses as they had an incredible bond.
“She was my first case,” Grey told Inside Edition. “She’s been like my own child.”
Grey went on to say that every time she would visit Koning at her home, they would have tea parties using Disney china.
So, to make her official adoption day even more special, Grey asked co-workers to dress up as Disney princesses in order to surprise her. She had originally only asked one co-worker, but word spread and soon she had seven princesses and one prince willing to take part.
Even the judge took part by dressing up as Snow White.
In the video from Samaritas Foster Care, Koning’s face lights up as she turns around to see all the princesses (and prince) enter the court room.
Watch the heartwarming moment below:
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