Watch This Dog Completely Freeze When an ‘Enemy’ Invades Her Yard
By Brian Delpozo
1 min read
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Dustin Dalen’s golden retriever Ellie is fiercely territorial, and she made sure a certain feline who stepped foot in her yard knew it.
In a video that’s been exploding in popularity recently, Dustin Dalen documents Ellie realizing there’s an interloper in her yard. The pooch freezes and locks onto the cat with a terrifying stare while staying deathly still.
When discussing the video, Dalen said, “I was completely bemused by her actions. Very rarely does the Irish setter in her come out, but sometimes Ellie will point at animals. This isn’t the first time she’s seen a cat, but this one was a complete stranger so she froze on the spot. In total, she stayed there for about three minutes before I finally got her to move.”
Make sure to SHARE this story if you’d love a dog like Ellie guarding your property.
Speaking of animals staring. …
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