Feast Your Eyes on the World’s Most Detailed Ice Cubes Before They’re Gone (Because They Melt)
By Jason Owen
2 min read
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Is it Suntory time? After seeing these amazing, intricate ice cubes, you’ll always think it’s Suntory time.
Suntory Whiskey, based in Japan and made famous stateside by Bill Murray in the acclaimed Sofia Coppola film, Lost in Translation, unveiled an ad campaign where they created highly-detailed ice cubes of a users choice to turn their “whiskey on the rocks” into something truly unique.
Using a special CNC Router at about 19°F, the ice cubes were cut into everything from Godzilla, to the Statue of Liberty, to Michelangelo’s David.
Lucky for us, photographers were on-hand to capture the stunning little works of art. You could say the images are frozen in time? OK, we’ll stop. But enjoy the unique creations below, because unlike the photographs, these ice cubes didn’t stick around forever (thanks, global warming!).
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