A Gecko and Its Toy Doppelgänger Take the Internet by Storm
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It is a common kernel of wisdom that before you can love anyone else, you have to love yourself — but this gecko may have taken that advice just a wee bit too far.
Look how happy this gecko is with his little gecko toy
— Taylor Nicole Dean (@taylorndean) May 17, 2017
The adorable creature has become internet famous during the past several days thanks to images showing it snuggled up with a toy gecko that looks alarmingly like a mini-me. In a majority of the shots, the live gecko looks remarkably like he’s wearing a large smile.
The photos, which came to a wider audience after they were shared on Twitter by well-known YouTuber Taylor Nicole Dean, are original to an Instagram account belonging to a user named @589_tomo.
The account is full of adorable images of the lizard and his plastic counterpart that are too cute for words.
?ちんまりはぼくが守る? と言いたげな琥珀さん✨ 凛々しいお顔も可愛い? #leopardgecko #レオパードゲッコー #ヒョウモントカゲモドキ #爬虫類 #天使 #かわいい #いやし
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琥珀とちんまり✨ #leopardgecko #レオパードゲッコー #ヒョウモントカゲモドキ #かわいい #天使 #爬虫類
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#olympus #tg4 #leopardgecko #レオパードゲッコー #ヒョウモントカゲモドキ #爬虫類 #かわいい #いやし
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More adorable images of the gecko, with and without his plastic counterpart, can be found at @589_tomo’s Instagram account.
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