Man’s One Word Response Perfectly Explains How Well New Fence Keeps Dog in the Yard
By Jason Owen
1 min read
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When we complete projects, it’s human nature to want to show it off. That’s exactly what one man wanted to do, but just moments later, his pride came to a screeching halt, as described in this hilarious dog video.
YouTuber “rgraves62002” uploaded a video called “New fence for Stella.” Rgraves62002 explains that he “literally had JUST built this fence to keep Stella in the yard.”
Stella is his dog who shows up shortly into the video. The man was “admiring” his work when Stella sniffs along the fence and, well, just watch for yourself.
Yep, with ease, Stella takes the man’s really nice-looking fence (he did do a great job) and renders it completely useless. Well, as Marvin the Martian would say, “Back to the drawing board.”
Give your friends a laugh and share this hilarious dog video with them. It is bound to make anyone laugh out loud.
Oh, well. Better luck next time.
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