Hunting Dog Rescues Child Missing in Louisiana Woods
By Lauren Boudreau
1 min read
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When 3-year-old Eli Alcock went missing from his home in Florien, Louisiana, Lindsy Alcock, Eli’s mother, thought she would never see him again.
“Imagining never seeing him again… never hearing him again. Just the reality of what was happening, I mean, it was hard,” she told NBC affiliate KPLC.
Knowing no other option, the family turned to the community for help finding their missing boy. Alcock called the sheriff’s department and went to Facebook to ask people to come out and look.
It wasn’t long before local pastor Doug Downs received a call asking if he and his hunting dog Honey would help. Honey has been hunting deer for three years and has somewhat of a reputation in the community with her keen sense of smell.
Downs admits it was a long shot, but even so, he knew he had to try.
“The pressure was on because you’re asked to come do something that you’ve never done before,” Downs said.
After several hours of searching for the boy, Honey found Eli safe in the woods behind his home.
Downs believes it was all part of God’s will.
“The good Lord was watching over us that night,” Downs told KPLC. “He showed up through a four-legged dog.”
The family was overwhelmed with gratitude. Alcock says Eli doesn’t remember much about that night, but thinks Honey may have saved his life.
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