Incredible New Footage Released of the Largest Great White Shark Ever Filmed
By Madeleine Richards
2 min read
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In November 2013, a deep diving crew stumbled on what is known as the largest great white shark in the world, Deep Blue. The original video seen during Discovery Channel’s “Shark Week” sent shivers down the spines of the millions who fear the ocean thanks to Jaws.
Now, the full footage from the expedition has been released, and Deep Blue is even more frightening than we remember.
The newly released video, taken off the coast of Guadalupe, Mexico, gets up close and personal with the monstrously large shark that researchers estimate is20 feet long and 50 years old!
In the video, Deep Blue ferociously munches on chunks of meat before setting her sights on the diver, who was fortunately secured inside an underwater cage.
Here she is going in for the kill:
Here diver and shark make up and give each other a high five:
According to James Ketchum, the director of marine conservation at Pelagios Kakunjá, this encounter is equally exciting and important for conservationists.
“What Deep Blue gives us is hope that protection and conservation efforts seem to be working,” Ketchum wrote in an email to the Huffington Post. “A shark getting to this enormous size means that the older the female, the more offspring [she] has produced throughout her life. Deep Blue may have given birth to close to two hundred pups.”
Now that’s an impressive shark. Still, we certainly wouldn’t want this momma coming anywhere near us, even with the cage.
Watch more footage here:
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