Kitten Feeds Dog in the Most Adorable Way Ever
By Lauren Boudreau
1 min read
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There comes a time when every friendship is tested. In the case of Oliver the cat and his best friend Hershey, that moment was captured on film.
Oliver is seen as the definition of a “feisty feline,” clawing pieces of food out of Hershey’s dog dish, not to eat of course, but to play with. As Oliver bats the food around, it winds up close enough to Hershey’s mouth where he licks the morsel up.
This doesn’t seem to upset Oliver though, as he goes right back to the dog food for another “toy.” Inevitably, Hershey is right there to clean up the mess.
The partners in crime both look satisfied with their new found alliance. Oliver even attempts to eat a piece himself before it’s gobbled up by Hershey.
Who knows what a partnership like this will bring in the future? We do think, though, that food will definitely be involved.
Check out the scheming pair below.
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