Like People, This Dog Also Hates Being Flipped Off
By Jason Owen
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Flipping somebody the bird is a universal sign of disapproval, but sometimes we might retaliate against our friends with the ol’ middle finger when they lay a sick burn down on us. We love them; they love us; there’s no ill will meant by that upraised digit. But one dog owner is learning that his dog has no patience for the middle finger, even if the man is doing it jokingly.
In a YouTube video uploaded by Caught on Cam, a man routinely holds up his middle finger to his dog, who viciously (and hilariously) attacks the man’s hand every time he sees it. Watch:
The video claims, “This dog is sick of his owner’s sh*t!”
There’s no explanation for why the dog hates the gesture, but as one commenter puts it, “I think the dog hates the video being recorded vertically.” We don’t disagree.
Or maybe this dog is some secret government project and he understands English and what the gesture means and is single-handedly on a mission to destroy hatred in the world? That’s it. That’s probably it.
As the video states, “Chill out, no dog is harmed in this video.” But by the looks of it, a middle finger may not have been so lucky.
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