Police Department Pretends to Pull Couple Over to Help Pull Off Ultimate Marriage Proposal
By Margo Gothelf
2 min read
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Thanks to the Richmond Police Department, one couple is walking away from a routine traffic stop with an engagement ring instead of a speeding ticket.
Matt Glover and his girlfriend, Savannah Rueda, were on their way to eat when Glover was pulled over for a routine traffic stop. The police officer told Glover he was speeding and took his information to put in the system.
However, Glover had planned this all with the cops as a sneaky way to propose to his girlfriend.
To set Glover up for the big question, the cops needed to get both of them out of the car. In order to do that, the police officer told the couple that their license plate had been reported as stolen. He then asked them to wait outside the vehicle while they figured out the problem.
As soon as they were both out of the car, Glover dropped down to one knee and proposed to Rueda. She quickly said yes, realizing the whole traffic stop was a hoax.
With the cops in on the prank, they were able to film the full proposal. Glover shared the video on Facebook where it has been viewed over 16,000 times. Check it out below.
Thankfully, Rueda thought the police-involved proposal was funny and didn’t take it too seriously.
“Savannah and I have a really fun relationship,” Glover said to Indiana News Station RTV6. “We are always teasing and pranking each other. This just seemed like a great way to propose and I knew she would be surprised doing it this way.”
Rueda even shared a video of the ring on Facebook.
Glover posted the video in order to thank everyone that helped him put it together.
“I was inspired to share this video because of how thankful I was to the Richmond Police Department, family, and friends who helped me put this together,” Glover told Your Daily Dish. “It totally surprised Savannah! I just was happy, thankful, and extremely excited all at the same time and wanted everyone to know that after I proposed. Now she is just as overwhelmed and happy as I am about all the love and support we have gotten since posting our video.”
(H/T Elite Daily)
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