Mom Tells Son She’s Pregnant And He Has The Cutest Reaction
By Jason Owen
1 min read
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Little Ethan Bromby has wanted a sibling for a while now. “He wants a little sister,” mom Sarah Bromby told the Scunthorpe Telegraph in the U.K. “But he knows he can’t choose.”
Well, now the little five-year-old is about to get his wish. Sarah is pregnant with her second child.
Last month, she went to the doctor’s office for a routine check-up and brought home pictures from the ultrasound. She was excited to share the news with Ethan.
But what happened when she captured Ethan’s reaction on video is anything short of amazing… and hilarious!
You HAVE to watch how he takes the news as he realizes he’s going to be a “little big brother!” It’s the cutest thing you’ll see today!
LIKE and SHARE his adorable reaction with your friends!
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