‘People Are Just Rude…’ Adorable 6-Year-Old Cries Seeing Humans Destroy Mother Nature
By Jason Owen
2 min read
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One young boy’s love for the Earth – and how it might look when he’s older – has captivated the internet.
Six-year-old Henry Marr recently watched a documentary at school about the Earth and how humans use our natural resources, sometimes to a detrimental effect. According to Marr’s mother, who filmed the young man after school that day, he kept getting more and more worked up about pollution and animals feeding on garbage left by humans.
“I had picked him up from school and he was on this mission to teach me about the earth,” Hall, of Mount Vernon, Washington told ABC News. “He was like mom, ‘Did you know that this was happening to the animals and people are littering?’ He kept getting more and more worked up about it.”
“It’s a bigger issue than I had even realized…Just seeing a little kid getting upset about how the world will get worse by the time he’s older is pretty upsetting,” Hall added.
After filming young Henry, Hall uploaded the video to YouTube and Facebook, where the video has been watched and shared over 17 million times. People quickly fell in love with the young environmentalist.
“The planet is going to be wrecked,” Henry says through tears in the video. “People are just being rude to it… They throw trash on the ground. They cut down trees. They make forests…into places… into roads. They need to think about what they are doing and what they are doing to the planet and what they are doing to animals.”
“I love this kid,” said one Facebook commenter. “We need more kind compassionate souls in this world! I hope he grows up to do great things!”
It seems, however, Henry doesn’t have to grow up before his work begins. Realizing the popularity of young Henry and the message he’s trying to spread, Hall set up a new Facebook page for him, Henry the Emotional Environmentalist, where the kindergartner can promote his environmental message. The Facebook page recently announced a collaboration with clothing company, Lennon and Wolfe, where they set up “Henry’s Planet Police,” an initiative to help support local organizations.
ABC News also reported that young Henry has written a book, Save the Planet, But Don’t Wreck It, that he hopes to publish soon.
“He’s always had a big heart, especially towards animals,” Hall told ABC News. “He’s a thinker. He dwells on things longer than most kids. He’s not only passionate, he’s persistent. He sticks with his interests, so that’s why I think this can have more of an impact than it’s already had.”
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