Three-legged Pitbull Helps Stop Armed Robbery
By Margo Gothelf
2 min read
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A three-legged dog is in store for some extra treats after it stopped a dangerous home burglary from happening in Janesville, Wisconsin.
Levi, the 15-year-old dog, started growling and barking when an armed robber broke into Darcy Cherry’s home last week. Cherry told CNN affiliate WISC that a man in a mask pointed a gun at her and her boyfriend, Bob Stenzel. The man demanded the couple get on the ground and give them money.
“I was just praying and praying and praying for us all to be safe,” Cherry shared with WISC. “His gun was drawn on us and demanded us to the ground and repeatedly asked us where’s the safe and where is the money.”
The couple had forgotten to lock their door and did not have any money or a safe to give the man.
“Not more than a minute after that, the person fired on Levi right in the head,” Stenzel said.
The bullet grazed the dog’s head and went right into his shoulder. The intruder ran off without taking anything physical from the couple, however he still tried to take something valuable.
“The heart wrench of what this individual did to my family,” Cherry said.
This is not the first time Levi has come to the rescue.
In 2014, Levi took a fall off the edge of a trail protecting her son from falling first. The fall shattered the dog’s leg and required amputation. Later that year, Levi survived a dognapping in broad daylight. Luckily, a neighbor saw the vehicle and license plate number of the dognapper. Cherry contacted the police and was able to reunite with Levi that same day.
“This dog is just meant to be with us. He is not meant to go anywhere, it’s just crazy.” Cherry said. “He is amazing. He bounces back so fast. I wish I could have his strength and his mobility to just come back and be so loving-natured.”
“It’s a feeling you can’t really express in words. I mean, thank God he was here and he protected us,” Stenzel said.
Levi is currently on medication for his battle wound and is expected to make a full recovery. Who’s a good boy?
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