Watch as Baby Gets Hilariously Knocked to the Floor by Shadow Puppet ‘Attack’
By Mauricio Castillo
1 min read
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Babies are curious. And why wouldn’t they be, everything is new to them! So we can forgive this poor baby for having its mind-blown by a shadow. Especially a shadow shaped like a duck! Or a dog, or a dragon? We’re not really sure what exactly this is, but it doesn’t matter.
We can also forgive the hand behind the shadow puppet in question (no doubt mother Claire Holden), because, let’s be honest, messing with babies can sometimes yield hilarious results.
The video below is no different, as a young baby girl was transfixed by a shadow puppet on the wall, standing near it in awe. Of course, the person behind the shadow decided to have a little fun.
The baby touched the shadow on the wall in utter fascination, which in turn led the shadow puppet to “bite” the baby. Shocked, she fell back in that hilarious way that only babies can fall, causing the person behind the camera to burst into laughter.
Don’t lie. You know you laughed or at least gave an “Aww!” It’s okay, so did 20 million other viewers.
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