WeRateDogs Puts User on Blast for Complaints About Cute Dog Photos
By Jason Owen
2 min read
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The popular Twitter page WeRateDogs is well known for its user-submitted images that receive funny, sometimes slightly inappropriate ratings of Man’s Best Friend. Generally speaking the site focuses on those extra adorable pups. But one Twitter user, dare we say “twit,” had to go and complain about the page’s methods.
Simply going by “Brant,” he tweeted at the site, “Your rating system sucks. Just change your name to ‘CuteDogs’.”
WeRateDogs moderator wondered what was bothering Brant, or rather, “Bront” as the moderator hilariously begins his takedown.
“@brant Why are you so mad Bront.”
Brant responded, “Well you give every dog 11s and 12s. It doesn’t even make any sense.”
“I want to see REAL ratings, and you are just using it as a gimmick to show cute dogs,” Brant continued.
Barring the obvious fact that WeRateDogs is a parody site and doesn’t take its “ratings” seriously, the moderator does his best to provide legitimacy to the site, while simultaneously delegitimizing Brant – or is it “Brint?” Maybe “Brent?” – with every tweet. Even other users get in on the “name-calling.” Poor “Burnt” never stands a chance.
Finally, WeRateDogs puts “Brent” on full blast with its epic banner image (that is still at the top of the page as of press).
Slow clap, WeRateDogs. Slow clap. Boo, Brant! Boo, Brunt! They’re good dogs, Burnt!
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