After Years of Surgery, See Adorable 2-Year-Old’s Amazing Transformation After Facial Tumor Removal
By Jason Owen
2 min read
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Thanks to advancements in medical science, a 2-year-old girl has a whole new look after a large tumor was successfully removed.
Joe and Jennifer McGillis gave birth to their baby Sloan, but when the doctors handed the child to Jennifer, she was stunned.
“They handed her to me, I think I just went into shock at that point,” Jennifer McGillis told Inside Edition.
“I had about a minute of panic…terror,” husband Joe added.
Sloan was born with a hemangioma, a large non-cancerous tumor on the left side of her face. Though it was non-cancerous, the 2-year-old’s facial tumor was large enough that it affected Sloan’s facial nerves and muscles, according to Inside Edition.
The McGillis family searched the country for the best doctor who would be able to help Sloan, and it lead them to New York City. At 10 months, Sloan had her first surgery, but the sheer size of the tumor prevented the medical staff from being able to complete the entire removal at one time. At 14 months, Sloan again underwent surgery to remove more of the tumor.
Sloan’s incredible story eventually caught the attention of ESPN anchor Hannah Storm, who told Inside Edition she was born with a port wine stain covering her left eye. Storm has set up her own advocacy foundation to help families like Sloan’s to pay medical expenses.
Now 2, Sloan is helping to inspire others out there who may be suffering from similar disfigurements and giving worried parents newfound hope.
Watch the incredible transformation of the 2-year-old’s facial tumor below and share her story with your friends.
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