A Foster Family’s Incredible Photo Reminds Us What’s Really Important This Holiday Season
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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During the mad rush of the holidays, when you’re struggling through crowds in the mall, gritting your teeth through traffic, and maxing out your credit cards on last minute gifts, it’s easy to forget the purpose of these holidays in the first place – to spend time with family and be thankful for the ones you love.
This holiday season, one family has reminded us what really matters with a photo they shared to Facebook page Together We Rise. The photo features a happy family posing with their four children — and three of them were recently adopted.
“We’ve fostered three large sibling groups and had the privilege of adopting our three boys on November 1st (sic) after 792 days in foster care,” the post reads. “There is nothing you can buy that can give you joy and happiness, but these three brothers staying together is priceless. For anyone who is on the journey, please don’t give up. The days are long, but the kids are so worth it.”
The post went viral with almost 7,000 reactions and plenty of supportive comments with people sharing their own happy adoption stories.
“I know a family adopting 7 (sic) kids to keep them together. God bless them and everyone who does fostering and adoptions,” one person wrote.
“Very amazing, I took in my cousins 4 kids 3 years ago. Our adoption was final Nov 8…. It’s an amazing feeling knowing that they won’t be moved from home to home n are all together,” another person wrote.
If one thing’s for certain, it’s that this family’s holiday season will be filled to the brim with love.
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