Freaky Clowns in South Carolina Are Reportedly Trying to Lure Kids Into the Woods
By Mauricio Castillo
2 min read
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Well, this isn’t horrifying at all. Many may recall that since 2014 strange sightings of random, creepy clowns have been reported throughout the country. There was a clown seen walking around a Chicago cemetery (just nope) and just a few weeks ago, a clown in Green Bay, Wisconsin was seen holding onto a bunch of black balloons (double nope). This clown was nicknamed Gags by the residents of Green Baby, who was actually part of a viral marketing stunt for a movie, according to CJ Guzan, an actor. That didn’t stop some residents from arming up, apparently afraid of the clown’s intentions.
Now, children in Greenville County, South Carolina have reportedly spotted clowns offering money to whichever kids will follow them into the woods. According to the New York Times, this is just one of many reports from the sheriff’s office of clown-related incidents.
It’s almost ludicrous to think that this is actually happening in our reality; we have enough real terrors to worry about. But reports of lone clowns waving at pedestrians late at night or even knocking at their doors have been aplenty in South Carolina, and Dr. Steven Schlozman, a child psychiatrist who teaches a course on the psychology of horror films at Harvard University, is worried not of the clowns themselves, but of peoples’ response to them.
“When the locals take their guns out and fire into the woods, it’s not that different from people going with their pitchforks into the woods after Frankenstein’s monster,” said Schlozman. “It never ends well.”
Indeed, reports have already reached the sheriff’s office of people firing guns into the woods where the clowns apparently reside.
Now, it remains to be seen whether these are just clowns playing a joke on residents, or whether these individuals actually are intent on committing crimes, but its something definitely worth investigating thoroughly.
As long as this guy doesn’t show up.
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