Grumpy Cat’s Derpy Fish Cousin Has Legs to ‘Walk’ the Ocean Floor
By Lauren Boudreau
1 min read
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If you thought you didn’t have a spirit animal, you might want to reconsider. Meet the chaunax pictus, also known as the pink frogmouth.
This derpy fish looks like Grumpy Cat’s marine cousin and even has four little “legs” that it uses to walk the ocean floor.
It was caught on video by the NOAA’s Okeanos Explorer program off the coast of Puerto Rico while investigating the Mona Canyon.
It’s actually a type of anglerfish and has an appendage in a hole between its eyes that extends to lure prey.
Tech Insider made a video about the grumpy fish that has since been viewed over 5 million times.
Watch more of the little guy below.
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