Bigfoot Might Have Been Discovered in Indonesia According to Viral Video
By YDD Contributor
1 min read
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The giant, hairy beast of legend called Bigfoot may have appeared in Southeast Asia.
Recent footage believed to be captured in a forest in Indonesia shows an enormous creature walking upright that matches the description of the legendary Sasquatch.
Although the clip is blurry, viewers can see a human-like entity of huge proportions walking from behind a hillside from the left of the shot toward and under a waterfall to the right and then disappearing into the wilderness. The entity appears to be carrying something as it swings in its arm.
The recorder of the video is too far away to capture any distinct features but conspiracists, as per usual, are already having a field day.
While some believe Sasquatch is real – or perhaps this video will make them believers – the rest are still dead-set on his fabrication, judging the video as yet another hoax or perhaps just a black bear.
That being said, black bears aren’t typically found in Indonesia… Hmm… See for yourself.
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