Coffee Could Be at Risk of Extinction Due to Ongoing Climate Change
| By Margo Gothelf
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You might want to take advantage of National Coffee Day because it seems like your favorite caffeinated drink could soon be extinct.
According to researchers, due to the effects of climate change, by 2050 it is expected that half of the world’s useable coffee farmland will become obsolete due to the rise in temperatures and different pests and fungi growing in those regions. The effects could be so dire the product could be gone completely by 2080.
“Consumers are likely to face supply shortages, impacts on flavor and aromas, and rising prices,” shared the Climate Institute.
Climate change has already had an impact on producing coffee and major companies like Starbucks are beginning to acknowledge the dangers of possible extinction.
According to AOL, “the global demand for coffee has tripled in the last 50 years.”
Small farms in Ethiopia and Indonesia are responsible for producing 80 to 90 percent of the world’s coffee. Yet “these countries are the most vulnerable to climate change and increases in temperature and rain have weakened coffee yield and quality,” shared AOL.
With more than two billion cups consumed everyday, something needs to be done rather quickly in order to keep the caffeine flowing.
So, next time you might want to rethink your third cup o’ joe for the day!
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