FSU Football Player Draws Cheers After Lunching With Autistic Boy Sitting Alone
By Mauricio Castillo
2 min read
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It should be said that any person with a platform, be they a celebrity or an athlete or someone with any kind of fame to their name, should be encouraged to use that platform for good. Yet, not all do so. Travis Rudolph, wide receiver for the Florida State Seminoles football team, may just be on the cusp of having his own platform, but that did not stop him from bestowing a small act of kindness on one little boy.
Bo Paske attends Montford Middle School in Tallahassee, Florida, and according to his mother, Leah, Bo is used to lunch with “nobody.” All that changed on Tuesday when on a visit to the school Rudolph noticed Paske alone, eating his lunch.
Rudolph decided it would not do and sat with Paske to enjoy a couple of slices of pizza with him. The boy’s mother received a picture of the two together, and was so overwhelmed that she wrote a heartwarming Facebook post to document the event.
“This is one day I didn’t have to worry if my sweet boy ate lunch alone, because he sat across from someone who is a hero in many eyes,” she wrote. “Travis Rudolph thank you so much, you made this momma exceedingly happy, and have made us fans for life!”
Her Facebook post has received over 8000 shares since its initial posting.
Travis Rudolph is usually revered for catching touchdowns on Saturdays. Today, he is revered for something a little deeper than that, and no doubt both Leah and Bo Paske won’t soon forget it.
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