Artist Creates Detailed Image From Salt, But When He Inverts the Color, Something Incredible Happens
By Jason Owen
6 min read
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When cooking, adding salt to your dish is a delicate process. Too much or too little can render the food unpalatable. When creating works of art with salt, that process is just as delicate.
Just take it from art teacher and tattoo artist Dino Tomic, who has been using common table salt to create intricate and stunning works.
“I’m all about pushing, testing and experimenting with new things,” Tomic wrote on a post where he’s working salt atop a black carpet. The stark contrast between white and black is a marvel to behold in itself, but Tomic has a trick up his sleeve for this project.
“The picture you see here is the “normal” not inverted version of an eye done entirely with regular kitchen salt on a black carpet,” Tomic wrote. In the next image however, Tomic reveals what happens when he “inverts” the image using an app program like Photoshop to reveal an even more breathtaking life-like image of the human eye.
Tomic has used the medium before to create similar effects, but it’s the image of the human eye that is really drawing praise.
Check out more from Tomic below and on his Instagram, Facebook, Etsy, and Deviant Art pages.
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