Fold a Perfectly Square T-Shirt in Less Than Two Seconds
By Jason Owen
1 min read
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Everybody hates laundry day – or, if you’re a parent, laundry day is everyday and you can’t escape the inevitability of grass-stained pants and food-stained shirts. But while dirty laundry will always be there, like taxes and your aunt Ida’s ceaseless comments on your love life, folding your laundry doesn’t have to be such a burden.
In a short video by user Truq, they show you how you can simply fold a t-shirt in the same time it takes to say, “I think I’ll have another glass of wine.”
The video shows that by pinching the shirt at the top right shoulder and then just inside the right armpit, twisting and turning it over, you can quicker-than-the-Flash fold it into a super simple square.
You may need to watch the video a couple times to finally get it, but we’re certain that in the long term, it’ll save you (laundry) loads of time.
You’re welcome. Now, where’d I put that wine?
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