Little Boy Has Cutest Jack-in-the-Box Reaction of All Time
By Jason Owen
2 min read
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Do you remember the first time you experienced the thrill…nay terror…no, thrill, yeah thrill of a jack-in-the-box? I don’t. Probably because it scarred my young psyche so detrimentally my subconscious knew the memory must be expelled from the vault forever. If there were a way to visualize what that first time must have looked like, I’m guessing this video is it.
A viral video shared to the site, Imgur, by user NissanGTR, shows a young boy standing upright in a shopping cart in the toy aisle of some department store. The parent is showing their son a Sock Monkey & You jack-in-the-box. At first, the parent and their son crank the box together…
and crank…
and crank as the kid looks up to his parental figure dumbfounded that nothing is happening.
But the parent must reassure their son of impending awesomeness as they continue to crank away until…
Yeah, you might want to sit down for this.
I’m as shocked as you kid…shocked at how utterly adorable this is.
This kid wins the internet and we couldn’t be happier.
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