One of These Is Not Like the Others: Can You Find the Hidden Figures in All These Brain Teasers?
By Lauren Boudreau
2 min read
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We all loved the challenge of finding Waldo in the Where’s Waldo books, and locating various items in I-Spy. There’s just something so satisfying about searching incredible brain teasers, only to find it several minutes (or hours) later.
Hungarian cartoonist Gergely Dudas knows this all too well. That’s why he decided to create Waldo-like puzzles for people to enjoy.
Take a look at the below puzzles and try to find the hidden item. All answers are at the bottom of the post.
This first brain-scratcher, created by Matthew Merrill, has everyone scrambling.
Find a panda in a sea of dogs.
This next one was created by Max Knoblauch.
All are hamsters, except one ominous potato…
Knoblauch decided to get political with this next one.
Can you find Back to the Future‘s Doc Brown among dozens of Bernie Sanders?
This one is a Dudas creation.
Look for the egg within the bunnies. (Hint: It’s super small.)
Just try to find the panda in these elephants. I dare you.
The craze first started with this puzzle Dudas made and shared with the world in December of last year.
Try to find the panda.
Dudas quickly followed the snowman puzzle with this one.
Find the cat amidst the owls. What a hoot!
More spin-off puzzles also followed suit. Michael Rogalski created this one.
Can you find the Oscar statue in the C3POs?
Reddit user Oneste created this puzzle.
There’s a panda among the Stormtroopers.
OK, are the answers to these incredible brain teasers.
Did you find the panda in the sea of dogs?
Where’s the potato?
Did you find Bernie Sanders?
Could you find the tiny egg?
The panda in the elephants was super hard to find.
What about the panda in the snowmen?
Could you spot the kitty in the owls?
There’s the Oscar statue!
There’s the Panda Trooper (though we doubt he likes working for Vader).
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